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​A Practice of Intimate Relationships

2023 | 親密關係的練習 A Practice of Intimacy Relationships | WU PIN-YU

Media|3D Printing / Pneumatic components / Video

媒材|3D列印 / 空壓元件 / 影片

​*112 National Art Exhibition Mixed media category Gold Medal Award*

*本作品獲得 112 年全國美術展 綜合媒材類 金牌獎*

Imagine a future where revealing intimate relationships no longer exist, and in this society, too many psychological problems have caused social costs to be unbearable. Scholars point out that the disappearance of revealing intimate relationships and the indirect loneliness, lack of trust, alienation and other phenomena are the key to the problem. The future government and scientists start to study how to regain this ability.


The work explores this phenomenon by speculating on a series of future "intimate contact machines". These machines can engage in non-sexual intimate contact with humans and stimulate the secretion of a large amount of oxytocin. It is hoped that people can communicate in a more relaxed and trusting manner before establishing physical relationships, so that spiritual communication can once again return to an important position. In addition, the "intimate contact machine" also promotes the standardization of intimate behaviors, meets the requirements for the speed of relationship formation in the future, and also reduces the frustration and rejection that people feel because of possible failures and the need to re-establish understanding.


Through future fantasy and object production, the work not only explores intimate relationships, but also hopes to arouse more thinking about existing social concepts such as family, patriarchy, and parenthood, as well as the possibility of intimate human-computer interaction. It is hoped that in the chaotic social atmosphere, it can help people find out their position or direction in complex social relations.

想像一個未來,揭露式親密關係不復存在,而在這個社會中,過多的心理問題,造成社會成 本已不堪負荷。學者指出,揭露式親密關係的消失,間接造成的孤獨、缺乏信任、疏離等現 象,是形成問題的關鍵,未來政府與科學家,著手研究如何使這項能力失而復得。

作品藉由推測一系列未來的「親密接觸機器」,來探討這個現象。這些機器可以與人類進行 非性行為的親密接觸,刺激大量催產素分泌,希望人們在尚未建立肢體關係前,就可以以更 放鬆、信任的方式交流,使心靈層面的溝通,再度回到重要位置。除此之外,「親密接觸機 器」也促進了親密行為的標準化,符合未來對關係形成速度的要求,也降低人們因為可能的 失敗,需要重新建立默契,而感到的挫折與排斥。

作品藉由未來幻想與物件產出,探討親密關係外,更希望藉以引起更多對家庭、父權、親職 等現有的社會既定概念的思考,以及人機親密互動的可能。希望在紛亂的社會氛圍中,幫助 人們找出自己在複雜社會關係中的定位或方向。

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◥How a Society Changes

The rise of women's rights, from the liberation of labor in the Industrial Revolution, the need for women to enter the workplace during the First World War, and the subsequent social movement for various rights, affected the development of the former patriarchal society. In his book "The Transformation of Intimacy", British sociologist Giddens suggests that the male-centered model and habits of the past have changed, affecting the traditional concept of the family and the rules of love, and that in the era when people are focusing on the pursuit of self-ful fillment, a new model of relationship and concepts have been developed, which is referred to as a "pure relationship" in the book. Compared to the previous model of love, a pure relationship does not have commitment and exists only when both parties are satisfied, and either party can break the relationship at any time.

Therefore, society has changed a lot in terms of structure, concepts, behaviors, and especially in terms of relationships.

◥Maladjustment Caused By Social Changes

"The Straight Men Behavior Research Group” is a fan page with about 190,000 followers on Face book(as of November 2023), which accepts contributions from readers, most of which are screen shots of conversations with straight men. "The word "straight" , which originally referred to a man with a female sexual orientation, but later evolved to mean "a man who does not observe, speak or understand the moods of human" (Straight man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (wikipe

In this fan page, we can see that the "straight men" in it have very different values from their inter locutors, sometimes they are self-centered, sometimes they belittle each other when they disagree with each other, etc., and their interlocutors feel angry, puzzled, or puzzled about them. Therefore, we can see that nowadays, when equal rights for men and women have been empha sized for a long time, different, even very different values still exist, and they exist among similar age groups. In a state where values influence behavior, many people are maladjusted. Is it possible that the patience and dissatisfaction formed over the years are silently influencing our society?


《The Selfish Gene》 is a famous book by biologist Charles Dawkins, which explains the behavioral tendencies of many animals by focusing on the continuity of genes. The book mentions the strate gies of men and women in offspring reproduction. In order to maximize benefits, men will tend to rush to find other females to mate, and females will tend to lie to other males that their children are theirs in exchange for more care; therefore, men and women will have a period of interaction before they have their offspring, with females confirming that males are paying for them and males con firming that the females are not pregnant with other people's children.

Therefore, men and women (other gender identities and sexual orientations will not be discussed here for the time being) have reasonable reasons for being together, but they have their own con siderations and purposes. Looking back at modern monogamy, it almost breaks through the limita tions of natural inclination, and is jointly formulated by human society based on various consider ations. Marriage has become a "should-do" rather than just for the purpose of reproducing offspring, and protecting the value of marriage has become a unique task.

Intimate relationships are an important part of human survival in society. Whether or not we still have the genetic memories left to us by our ancient ancestors, how we choose between instinct and sociality, and what kind of intimate relationships can maintain stability and help human mental health in the complex system of social development, there is a lot of room for discussion. In my work, I propose a possibility, which is the beginning of pointing out the problem and the starting point of imagination.


英國社會學家紀登斯在著作《親密關係的轉變- 現代社會的性愛慾》中提出,以往為男性為中心的模式與習慣已改變,也影響了傳統的家庭概念與戀愛規則,在人們注重追求自我實現的時代,也發展出新的關係模式與觀念,在書中稱此關係為「純粹關係」,相較於以往的戀愛模式,純粹關係不具有承諾,且只在雙方都滿意時存在,任何一方能隨時中斷這樣的關係。


「直男行為研究社」是一個擁有約 19 萬(截至 2023 年 11 月)追蹤者的粉絲專頁,內容接受讀者投稿,大多是與直男的對話內容截圖。「直男」一詞的「直」來自於英文的 「straight」,直男原指性傾向為女性的男性,後來漸漸演變出「不察言觀色、不巧言令色或不解風情的男人」(直男 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 (的意思。 在這個粉絲專頁中,可以看出裡面的「直男」與其對話者非常不同的價值觀,有時自我中心、有時意見相左時會貶低對方等,與之對話者對其會感到憤怒、疑惑或不解。因此我們可 以看出,在男女平權已經被強調許久的今天,不同的,甚至是差異極大的價值觀依舊存在, 且存在在相似的年齡層間。在價值觀影響行為的狀態下,就會造成許多人的適應不良,這樣經年累月形成的忍耐、不滿,是不是默默地影響著我們的社會呢?

◥人的本性 《自私的基因》是生物學家 Charles Dawkins 的著名著作,書中以基因的延續為主軸,解 釋了許多生物行為傾向。書中提到男女在後代繁衍上的策略,為了利益最大化,男性會傾向 趕快去找其他雌性交配,而雌性會傾向騙其他男性孩子是他的來換取更多照顧;所以男女在 擁有子代前會有一段交往的時間,女性確認男性有所付出,而男性確認女性沒有懷上別人的 孩子。 因此,男性和女性(其他性別認同、性傾向先不再此討論)有在一起的合理理由,卻是各有 考量和目的。回頭看現代的一夫一妻制,幾乎是突破了自然的傾向限制,由人類社會基於各 種考量共同制定,結婚變成一種「應該要做的事」而不只是為了繁衍後代;守護婚姻價值變 成獨特的任務。

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◥How a Society Deal with Changes & Safety

In his book 《The Transformation of Intimacy》, British sociologist Giddens puts forward his views on the changes in modern society. He believes that the male-centered patterns and habits of the past have changed, which also affects the traditional concepts of family and the rules of love. The rise of women's rights has indeed brought about a certain degree of change in the world, and in the midst of this change, everyone's perceptions will not be the same, and there may be a certain gap, which causes certain contradictions and maladjustments in society. In Taiwan in 2014, a major random murder case occurred, causing panic, shock and a high degree of concern in the society, why with the development of time, the society seems to be getting more and more dangerous, and the pattern of crime is becoming more and more unimaginable. Everyone wants to improve the law and order of the society and to find the reasons to alleviate the social problems, and I am no exception. Therefore, I try to utilize my artworks to create opportuni ties for mutual understanding, and to use situational assumptions to arouse more thoughts about real-world problems. I try to find a chance of healing in the fissured atmosphere of society.

◥“Making Your Ideal Companion” ─ Metahuman Companion Workshop

Through sharing and keyword collection, the participants' expectations of a partner were iden tified, and then through the extended imagination of organ function, an ideal partner with post-human function was created and finally materialized through clay. At the end of the project, the imaginations of the participants were made into stickers, which became a real communication tool and were given to the people who came to participate in the project.

英國社會學家紀登斯的著作《親密關係的轉變- 現代社會的性愛慾》中提出了對現代社會轉變的觀點,他認為以往為男性為中心的模式與習慣已改變,也影響了傳統的家庭概念與戀愛規則。女性權利的崛起確實為世界帶來一定程度的改變,而在轉變中,每個人的觀念不會一 致,且可能有一定的落差,這就造成了社會的某些矛盾與適應不良。
2014 年的台灣,發生了一件重大的隨機殺人案件,引起了社會的恐慌、震驚與隨之而來高 度的關注,為何隨著時間的發展,社會好像越來越危險,犯罪的模式越來越令人難以想像。 人人都想改善社會的治安,找到能夠緩解社會問題的原因,因此,我嘗試利用藝術作品,製造相互理解的機會,以情境的假設,引起更多對真實世界問題的思考。嘗試在充滿裂隙的社會氛圍中,找尋一絲癒合的機會。


藉由分享及關鍵字的蒐集,找出參與者對伴侶的期待,再經由器官功能延伸的想像,創造具 有後人類功能的理想伴侶,最後經由黏土將其具體化。 結束後,再將大家的想像製作成貼圖,成為真正溝通的工具,送給來參與的民眾。

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