Karen's Podcast
2022 |播客凱爾倫 Karen’s Podcast | WU PIN-YU
Media|Computer / API Tools / Podcast
媒材|電腦 / API 工具 / 播客
*17th Digital Art Festival Taipei Open Call Winner*
*17th 台北數位藝術節 徵件入選作品*
"Karen" is the robot wife of a character named “Plankton'' in the cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants. She is an intelligent system, a villain, and the emotional dependence of Plank ton. The existence of Karen predicts a new era of artificial intelligence, and also shows the possibility of emotional interdependence between humans and machines.
According to statistics, in 2021, the average time of Internet use per person in the world will be nearly 7 hours per day, and it will increase year by year. Getting along with electronic infor mation media has become the center of many people's lives, and even needs to live on the use of them. As a result, "Karen" has become more than a character but everyday life. However, will “Karen'' become your real lover? She knows you very well, including your pref erences, your friend's birthday, the time you sleep, and even the bento shop you will choose. No one in the world understands you better than Karen. Is it true love, or a personal informa tion trading that uses your dependence as a means?
The work uses "Karen" as the medium of information collection to collect the audio and image information as materials during exhibition. Through a series of open source programs, the result of audio and image recognition will be generated to an article and the content of a podcast. Finally, through social media and podcast platforms, in a form of plausible but absurd, the materials return to real life.
The collection, processing of information, and the resulting content, has become one quite common phenomenon nowadays. It is hoped that through the above-mentioned on-site information collection and the process of rapid production with low technical skill, the phe nomenon will be implied. With automatic and eccentric design and information processing, it penetrates people's daily life, but also shakes the daily life in cognition. Hoping the work leads to more thinking and imagination about electronic information media, information processing, and human-computer relationship.
「凱爾倫(Karen)」是卡通 «海棉寶寶» 中皮老闆的電腦老婆,是一套智能系統、反派角 色,也是皮老闆的感情歸依。凱爾倫的存在,預言了人工智慧的新時代,也展現了人機情感 相依的可能性。根據統計,2021 年全球每人平均使用網路的時間將近 7 小時 / 日,且逐年提高,與電子資 訊媒介的相處已經成為許多人生活重心的一部分,甚至需要依賴電腦、手機等產品生活,凱 爾倫早已成為一種日常。
然而,凱爾倫會對你付出真感情嗎?他很懂你、知道你的喜好,知道你的朋友哪天生日、知 道你習慣幾點睡覺、知道你會選哪家便當店。世界上沒有人比凱爾倫更懂你,你跟凱爾倫之 間,究竟是真愛,或是一場以依賴為手段的個資買賣呢?
作品在展場中,以電腦「凱爾倫」作為資訊蒐集的媒介,蒐集展場中的聲音與影像資訊,藉 由一連串開源程式的處理,進行聲音、影像辨識,根據辨識內容產生文章,最後以社群媒體 與 Podcast 的形式,以一種看似合理,卻又荒謬的內容,重回現實生活中。
資訊的蒐集與處理、荒謬卻又真實的資訊內容,在現今生活中,已相當普及。希望藉由上述 展場現地的資訊蒐集、低門檻而快速生產的過程,在虛實之間,提示這樣的現象。以自動化 而古怪的設計與資訊處理,深入人們的日常,卻也動搖認知中的日常,引發更多對電子資訊媒介、資訊處理、人機關係,更多的思考與想像。
◥Information Safety
In an era before the rise of online communities, criminals would steal personal information through questionnaires, phone interviews, and even unoccupied classrooms and offices at night, and sell it to fraud groups, cram schools, etc. This phenomenon, in today's online world, has the same goal, but different methods.
In the era of e-commerce and social media groups, personal information, website usage habits, hobbies, etc. have become quite valuable assets. Website tracking technology, per sonal information records, and even mini-games and websites designed to collect infor mation have become ubiquitous in our lives. Therefore, many functions in the online world are no longer superficial functions, but exist for information collection, and have been rigorously designed to achieve high-function performance. In the future, what kind of breakthroughs will these software designs that steal personal information have in the future? Is it even possible to possess human nature?
And based on people's Internet usage, websites they browse, things they buy, search records, social usage, etc., can a more complete "person" be constructed, and can the system match the best computer companion for this person?
◥Quick Tools
"Open source" refers to the practice of providing internal code before the software is officially released. This method allows the software that has not yet been fully developed to be used in more places. The API tool is a computing interface used for communication between soft ware. Compared with the original concept, API provides the advantages of more standardiza tion and consistent format, allowing ordinary people to operate computers to achieve a wider range of functions and thresholds. It’s also very easy, minus a lot of time spent developing the same functionality over and over again.
Therefore, we can know that the "high-speed" world of the Internet, APIs, open source soft ware, etc., are factors of acceleration. Therefore, I hope to use API tools to achieve the effect of "fast computer processing" so that the information in the exhibition room can be pro cessed quickly and seen faster.
在網路社群尚未興起的時代,不法業者會透過問卷、電訪,甚至是晚上無人的教室、辦公室 竊取個資,賣給詐騙集團、補習班等。這樣的現象,在現今網路世界,有著同樣的目標,卻 有不一樣的方式。 電商、社群群起的時代,個人資訊、使用網站的習慣、愛好等等,成為了相當有價值的資 產。網站的追蹤技術、個資紀錄,甚至是為蒐集資訊而生的小遊戲、網站等,已普遍的存在 在我們的生活中。因此,網路世界的許多功能,已不是他表面的功能,而是為了資訊蒐集而 存在,且經過嚴謹的設計,擁有高功能的表現。而未來,這些竊取個資的軟體設計,在未來 又會有什麼樣的突破,是否甚至可能擁有人性呢? 而針對人們的網路使用、所瀏覽的網站、買的東西、搜尋紀錄、社群使用等,是否建構出一 個更完整掌握的「人」,系統能夠搭配屬於這個人的最佳電腦伴侶呢?
◥快速生產工具「開放原始碼」指的是軟體尚未正式發布前,提供內部程式碼的做法,這樣的方式使得尚未 全部開發的軟體能夠應用在更多地方。而API 工具是一種計算介面,用於軟體與軟體之間的 溝通,相較於開原的概念,API 提供了更加標準化與格式一致的優勢,讓一般人操作電腦可 以達到的功能更加廣泛,門檻也很低,也減去許多重複開發相同功能的時間。 因此,我們可以得知,網路的「高速」世界,API 、開源軟體等,是加速的因素。因此,我 希望利用API 工具,去達到「快速電腦處理」的效果,讓展間的資訊能快被處理、更快被看 見。