A Secret Conversation from 10111100101
2021 | 來自11111100101的秘密對話 A secret Conversation from 11111100101|
Wu Pin-Yu, Wang Chun-Heng
媒材|點陣式印表機 / 電腦 / 影片 / 紙
Media|Printer / Computer / Video / Paper
*110 National Art Exhibition Mixed media category Selected*
*本作品獲得 110 年全國美術展 綜合媒材類 入選*
John Bradshaw, a producer and host in American Public Television pointed out that some repressive thoughts and feelings will affect a person’s performance invisibly in his book 《Family Secrets》. The mechanism of this phenomenon comes from some anger, ambiguity, loss and other emotions caused by some incidents. In the process of stacking and transfer ring these emotions and pressures, problems such as isolation, tension and confusion are formed. People not only living in the family, but also a member of the society. Does this mechanism that causes problems also operate quietly but influentially in modern society?
This work simulates the virtual process of the circulation and accumulation of emotions between people by means of technological interaction. Through the web crawler, word senti ment analysis and other methods, coupled with interactive detection in the exhibition field, the article is synthesized by a computer, achieving rapid accumulation and level of emotions. In the process of the mechanical automation show, explore the possible accumulation and appearance of human emotions in the real world.
美國公共電視製作主持人約翰 · 布雷蕭在其著作《家庭秘密》中指出,家庭中壓抑的思想和感覺,會在無形之中影響一個人的表現。這個現象的進行機制,來自於某些事件造成的憤怒、曖昧不清、失落等情緒。在這些情緒及壓力堆疊、轉移的過程中,形成孤立、緊張、困擾、迷惑等問題。
而人,不只生活於家庭,更是社會中的一分子,這個造成問題的機制,是否也在現代社會中,安靜卻深具影響力的運行著? 此作品藉由科技互動形式,模擬情緒在人與人之間循環、累積的虛擬過程。藉由網路爬蟲、字詞情感分析等方式,加上現域互動偵測,由電腦合成文章,經由印表機,表達快速的情緒 累積與層次。在機械自動化展演的過程中,探討人類情感在真實世界中,可能的累積與樣貌。
◥How Emotions Accumulate in Society
In his book 《Family Secrets》, American public television producer and host John Brad shaw points out that suppressed thoughts and feelings in the family can invisibly affect a person's behavior. The mechanism for this phenomenon is the emotions of anger, ambigu ity, and loss caused by certain events. As these emotions and pressures pile up and shift, problems such as isolation, tension, distress, and confusion develop. People not only live in families, but are also part of society. Is this mechanism, which causes problems, also operating quietly but with great influence in modern society?
◥How Problems Form
It is a very rare thing for a person to grow up in a completely healthy way. He or she must have a good environment, good parents, and not be subjected to too much intense stimu lation, and so on. Therefore, almost all of us have difficulties to overcome, habits to change, mindsets to change, and problems to deal with in our lives, just in different degrees. It is important for us to understand how we can combat the adverse effects of our external environment, how the world works, and what things may affect our mood, perfor mance, and thoughts, even if it is a very small event, and even if you may think it is insignifi cant. Therefore, I would like to use this work to explore the seemingly unruly, but secretly influential things such as the operation of information and the accumulation of emotions.
國公共電視製作主持人約翰 · 布雷蕭在其著作《家庭秘密》中指出,家庭中壓抑的思想和 感覺,會在無形之中影響一個人的表現。這個現象的進行機制,來自於某些事件 造成的憤 怒、曖昧不清、失落等情緒。在這些情緒及壓力堆疊、轉移的過程中,形成孤立、緊張、困 擾、迷惑等問題。而人,不只生活於家庭,更是社會中的一分子,這個造成問題的機制,是 否也在現代社會中,安靜卻深具影響力的運行著?
一個人要能健康的長大,是非常難得的事情,必須有好的環境、好的父母、沒受到過於激烈 的刺激等。因此,幾乎大家都有人生中需要克服的困難、需要改變的習慣、需要改變的思 維、需要克服的人生難題,只是程度的高低不同而已。我們如何對抗外在環境對我們產生的 不良影響,認識環境會是件重要的事情,這個世界如何運作,有哪些事情可能影響我們的心 情、表現、想法,即便是很小的事件,即便你可能覺得微不足道。因此,我想藉由作品探討 這個資訊運行、情緒累積等看似沒有規則,卻暗自發生影響力的事情。
◥AI & Emotion Simulation
With the advent of the Artificial Intelligence era and the advancement of machine learning algorithms, "emotions" have become something that can be analyzed by machines, which can read text, observe facial expressions, and analyze the content of pictures to under stand your mood. Similarly, machines are also able to gradually express emotions. With the development of various Chinese databases, emotion data has also become one of the available materials, and the intensity of emotions can be analyzed. The advantage of machines lies in their speed and ability to quickly analyze various data sources. Humans have many hidden emotions, do machines?
In this work, we use four machines to represent four different ways of emotion processing. The machines keep crawling the internet news over time, and then analyze the news for emotion, and replace the words in the articles according to the different emotion intensity of the words in the emotion database, so as to let these machines produce different emotion performance.
◥The Role of Machine
In addition to web crawler and word processing, there is also an electric eye detection that will detect the audience's attention to the four machines. This work replaces human read ing, expression, and communication with machines, attempting to create a fast world, fast to watch, fast to interpret, fast to translate, fast to express, fast to represent, and fast to be cared about. It attempts to simulate the accumulation of human emotions in a fast mechanical way, and to explore the real appearance of emotions in the human world through mechanical presentation.
隨著人工智慧時代的來臨,在機器學習演算的進步下,「情緒」已經成為機器可以分析的事情,機器能夠閱讀文字、觀察表情、分析圖片內容來了解你的心情。同樣的,機器也能夠漸 漸地表現出情緒,隨著中文各式資料庫的發展,情緒資料也成為可用的材料之一,且能夠分析情緒的強度。機器的優點在於速度,面對各種資料來源能夠快速分析,人類有許多隱藏的情緒,那機器有嗎? 在作品中,我們以四台機器分別代表四種不一樣的情緒處理方式,機器隨時間不停爬蟲網路新聞,再將這些新聞做情緒分析,並依照情緒資料庫中,不同情緒強度的詞語庫,去替換文章中的字詞,讓這些機器產生不一樣的情緒表現。 在資訊過曝的時代,我們快速地與外界交換內容,受到過量資訊不斷的刺激,這個速度,這件事情是網路時代之前沒有的,這又會影響我們哪些層面?
除了電腦爬蟲與文字處理外,現場還有電眼偵測,會偵測觀眾對四台機台的關注程度。這個 作品以機械取代人類的閱讀、表達、交流,企圖創造一個快速的世界,快速觀看、快速解 讀、快速轉譯、快速表達、快速表示、快速被關心。企圖用機械快速的方式,去模擬人類情 緒的累積,以機械的呈現,去探討人類世界情感的真實樣貌。