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2021 | 氣逃朗 ChoosingRunn | Wu Pin-Yu, Nien Tino

MediaVideo / 3D Printing / Printing

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“Narcolepsy” is the author's disease. “Cataplexy” is a typical symptom of it, a state of transient loss of muscle control, which makes you fall asleep. According to studies by evolutionists, the cataplexy state is quite similar to the mechanism by which some animals "death feigning (tension paralysis)" when they encounter danger. Patients with narcolepsy often experience a lot of stress in their daily lives. Even if the disease has a complete study, patients are still easily labeled as lazy and evasive. Such labeling may stem from people’s desire for a state of lazi ness and avoidance.

《氣逃朗》(2021) 猝睡症(Norcolepsy)是作者自身患有的疾病。 猝倒(Cataplexy ) 是猝睡症的一種典型症狀,是為短暫失去肌肉控制能力的狀態。經過演化學家的研究,猝倒 狀態與某些動物遇到危險時「裝死(緊張性麻痹)」的機制相當類似。


猝睡症患者在日常生活常常會經歷許多壓力,即便此病已有完整的研究、清楚的病理,還是容易被貼上懶惰、逃避等標籤。但這樣貼標籤的行為,可能源自人們心裡對懶惰與逃避狀態的渴求。 本作品便將上述猝倒而引起的類裝死狀態,設計成一種選擇,透過產品,能誘發裝死狀態, 藉以達到調節生活壓力的功能。引起更多對於病態、社會觀點的選擇與思考。


◥What is “Narcolepsy” Narcolepsy is a rare autoimmune disease that occurs in people with a specific genotype, with a prevalence rate of about 1 in 100,000 people. The cause of Nar colepsy is the reduction of a certain neurotransmitter (hypocretin) in the brain, resulting in disruption of the sleep and non-sleep mechanisms, patients have dif ficulty in deep sleep, and often start to dream when they are still awake, which causes inconvenience in life, and may also be due to the fact that they often feel very tired, spending too much energy to keep themselves awake, difficult to diag nose and the lack of understanding from those around them, and about 50% of the patients will suffer from depression. In addition, cataplexy is a special symptom of narcolepsy. When there is a fluctua tion in mood, usually when there is happiness or amusement, the muscles will lose their strength for a short period of time, resulting in a drooping of the head and neck, a fall with no strength in the legs, and an inability to speak, etc. If there is something in the hand, it will also fall, and in severe cases, the whole person will be spread out on the ground.

◥Narcolepsy & Evolution Evolutionists have found that the symptom of "cataplexy" is actually similar to the "death mimicry" state of certain animals when they are in danger. Therefore, it is very likely that the behavior of "sudden sleep" also existed in ancient human beings, only that it has been eliminated during evolution. Therefore, since ancient times, the behavior of sleeping during crises is a way to increase the survival rate of living, only that we don't need it in later times.


猝睡症(Narcolepsy)是一種少見的自體免疫疾病,發作於具有某種特定基因型的人,盛 行率約為10萬分之一。猝睡症病因是腦內某種神經遞質(hypocretin)接收的減少,造成 睡眠與非睡眠的機制紊亂,患者難以深層睡眠,也時常在醒著的時候便開始做夢,造成生活 上的不便,可能也因為時常感覺很累,耗費太多精神讓自己醒著、難以確診及身邊的人的不 諒解,約有50%的病友會同時罹患憂鬱症。 另外,猝倒(cataplexy)是猝睡症的特殊症狀,當情緒有波動時,通常是愉快、好笑的時 候,肌肉會短暫的失去力量,造成頭頸部下垂、雙腳無力跌倒、無法說話等情況,若剛好手 中有東西也會因而掉落,嚴重時會整個人攤平在地上。



演化學家發現,「猝倒」這個症狀其實跟某些動物遇到危險時會「裝死(緊張性麻痺)」的 狀態頗為類似,因此,「猝睡」這個行為,很有可能也存在在古老的人類身上,只是演化時 被淘汰了。 因此,自古這樣危機時睡著的行為,便是生物提高生存率的一種方式,只是後來的我們不需要了。

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◥Daily Difficulties of Narcolepsy Patients

Narcolepsy patients will show the phenomenon of wanting to sleep continuously during the day and not sleeping well at night, which is very similar to the state of "laziness", and very few people will associate the symptoms of tiredness and sleepiness with the dis ease, therefore, Narcolepsy patients are often labeled as lazy, sleeping exaggeratedly, and so on, and if there is no hospital proof of confirmation of the diagnosis, it will be directly categorized as laziness. It is also difficult to explain the feeling of being very tired.

Therefore, people suffering from Narcolepsy will encounter many difficulties in their education or work, and it will be difficult to study or work well when they are tired all the time. Since sudden collapses occur in positive emotions, people will think that you are a good comedian.

When you go to the doctor, you will also encounter a lot of difficulties. It is relatively rare and there is no specific specialty, so most of the doctors don't know about it, and they can only guess and conduct a bunch of tests, which is quite time-consuming, and it is often difficult for doctors to diagnose, and even doctors deny the existence of this dis ease, and think that it is purely a problem with your work and rest, or laziness to avoid it. But I think the most disturbing thing about Narcolepsy is the "never-ending tiredness", as if you can never get enough sleep, and you can never stay awake. In order to stay awake, you have to consume a lot of energy in your life, and even if you have a vision, your body will still feel tired and want to rest, which makes you doubt the meaning of the existence of such a body.

◥Life Experiences as Art Material

After receiving the H1N1 vaccine in 2009, I became a sudden sleeper and was not officially diagnosed until I was 24 years old. Throughout this process, I've worked hard to overcome the stigma of others, to find time and places to sleep, to finish my exams, and to prove that I have a purpose in society. This process is very tiring, but it is also very special, and with the disease, there are many real, realistic thoughts and desires that will happen in front of you, and the interaction between the disease and society is very inter esting and precious, I think. Therefore, I would like to use the symptoms of the disease, the state of the patient, and the relationship between the disease and society as the ma terial for the development of my work.

◥The Eyes of Others Hint at the Desires in Mind

When I share this disease and my feelings with others, the feedback I often receive is, "That's good! This way I can sleep all the time." This is an ignorant and unsympathetic answer, but we can tell from this answer that the respondent has a longing for "sleep". Under the pressure of modern life, staying up late and insomnia are common problems, and people crave for sleep, and even more so, they crave for a good night's sleep.

In the workplace, even though they know the existence of the disease, they still think that people with narcolepsy are lazy, and they may envy the state of taking a nap from time to time, that is, they are "envious and jealous of my disease", and they have a need to be jeal ous of what they can't get and what they like. Although it is not good for Narcolepsy patients to fall asleep in the middle of their work, because there are many things that they forget or do wrong , perhaps a little rest in the middle of their work is a state that many people would not want to be in.

◥Final Present

If one day illness could be an option, how could you utilize it? Does illness have to be a miserable thing? Or can we flip the vulnerability of illness and make it a useful tool? I have created a product called "ChoosingRunn" to help you get to the state you want to be in when you want to escape or take a break. "ChoosingRunn" consists of a neural control injection, an activation button and a controller. The neural control injections need to be replenished weekly, through the ability to transmit and control the tiny substances in the body attached to the nerves, can help to instantly induce a state of sleep; the activation button is a necklace-like button switch, you need to trigger the state of sleep, the activa tion button will be turned on and then pressed to be able to; the controller is suitable for regulating the function of the sleep of the sudden, you can adjust how fast to fall asleep, sleep, such as how long the parameter, so as to adapt to the different habits of each person. The controller is suitable for adjusting the function of sudden sleep, you can adjust the parameters of how fast and how long to sleep, so as to adapt to the different habits of each person.


"ChoosingRunn" is presented as a commercial product. In the future, only if there is a need and a doctor prescribes it, everyone will be able to get "ChoosingRunn" with the function of "regulating stress in life" certified by the Department of Health, and use it when they want to fall asleep. In the artwork, 30 scenarios of how to use ChoosingRunn in life are hypothesized and presented in the form of a user's guide, which will arouse more choices and thoughts about illnesses and social perspectives.


猝睡症的病患會呈現白天持續想睡、晚上睡不好的現象,跟「懶惰」的狀態很類似,且很少 人會把累、想睡等症狀跟疾病聯想在一起,因此,猝睡症的病患常會被貼上懶惰、睡得很誇張等標籤,若無醫院證明確診則直接會被歸劃為懶惰的一類,若有醫院證明,也有許多人主張這個疾病並不存在,這種很累的感覺也難以解釋。 因此,猝睡症的病患在求學歷程或工作上皆會遇到許多困難,隨時都很累的狀態也難以好好學習或工作,由於猝倒會發生在正向情緒,大家還會覺得你搞笑技術一流。 就醫時也會遇到許多困難,這個疾病比較少見,且沒有明確的科別,因此醫生大都不知道,只能猜跟進行一堆檢查,相當耗時而且醫生往往也難以診斷,有時甚至就連醫生也否定這個疾病的存在,認為你是單純的作息有問題或懶惰逃避。 但我覺得猝睡症最令人困擾的還是「永無止境的累」,好像永遠睡不飽,也永遠醒不過來, 在生活中要維持清醒就必須消耗很大的能量,即便你有遠大的理想,身體還是會不爭氣的覺得很想休息,有時令人懷疑這樣的身體存在的意義。


從2009年打了H1N1疫苗後,我成了猝睡症患者,且到24歲才正式確診。在這個過程中,我披荊斬棘,克服他人的眼光;到處找時間、找地方睡覺;想辦法考試的時候把考卷寫完;想 辦法證明我在社會上是有意義的。這個過程很累,卻也很特別,且在疾病的發生下,有很多 真實、現實的想法、慾望會在你的面前發生,疾病與社會形成的互動,我想是很有趣且珍貴 的。因此,我想把這個疾病的症狀、患者的狀態、疾病與社會的關係等,作為作品發想的材料。


與他人分享此疾病與感受時,常常收到的回饋是:「好好喔!這樣就可以一直睡了。」這是 一個無知且沒同理心的答案,但從這個答案中,我們可以知道回答者對於「睡眠」這件事情的渴望。在現代生活壓力下,熬夜、失眠是常見的問題,人們在生活中渴求睡眠,更渴求好 的睡眠。 而在職場上,明明知道有疾病的存在,卻還覺得猝睡症患者是偷懶者,可能羨慕這個時不時小睡的狀態,也就是說,他們在「羨慕、忌妒我的病耶」,得不到且喜歡的才有嫉妒的需要。雖然猝睡症患者工作到一半會睡著全然不是好事,因為會有許多事情中間忘記或做錯, 但也許在工作到一半的時候小小的休息,是很多人求之不得的狀態。


如果有一天,疾病可以是一種選擇,你可以如何利用呢?疾病一定是件很慘的事嗎?或者我 們能翻轉疾病的弱勢狀態,使其成為一個有利用的工具。我虛構了一套名為「氣逃朗」的產 品,在想要逃避或需要休息的時候,能夠利用「氣逃朗」來達到自己想要的狀態。「氣逃朗」包括神經控制針劑、啟動按鈕和控制器。神經控制針劑需要每週補充,透過有傳訊和控制能力的微小物質在體內附著於神經,可以幫助瞬間誘發睡著的狀態;啟動按鈕是一個可以隨身配戴,項鍊狀的按鈕開關,需要觸動睡著狀態時,將啟動按鈕打開後壓下即可;控制器 適用於調節猝睡的功能,可以調節多快睡著、睡多久等參數,好適應每個人不同的習慣。

氣逃朗以一種商品的方式呈現,在未來,只有有需要且經過醫師處方,人人皆可得到具有衛生署藥品認證「調節生活壓力」功能的「氣逃朗」,在自己想要睡著時使用。作品中,假設 了 30 個生活中,使用氣逃朗的情境,以使用指南的方式呈現,引起更多對於病態、社會觀點的選擇與思考。

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